Document Attestation Services in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Document Attestation Services in UAE


The certificate attestation in UAE is a legal procedure, which is performed by a competent authority to verify the veracity of the documents and their verification, as well as the facts which are stated in documents. Credential verification is a procedure, which is performed to verify the documents and the knowledge of the signatory, as well as his qualification and his affiliation with his address.

The process of attestation involves attesting for the genuineness of a document. This is done by a recognized agency of the Government of the country in which the document is to be used. The documents like Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Passport, Educational Qualification Certificate and Commercial Certificates are usually got attested by the respective Government/State Government.

How to obtain document attested in UAE:

✔️ Having an attestation or certificate attestation or apostille is a legal requirement in some countries. Apostille is an international certification
✔️ It is an official seal or stamp of a country, state, or other governmental organization. For example, in the United States, an apostille is a certificate that is attached to a document to make it valid in a foreign country.
✔️ This process is called "apostille". Apostille can be done in your country. Usually, the process takes about 30 days. You can consult the nearest Ministry of Foreign Affairs for more information on the process.
✔️ There are some documents that need to be attested from the local authorities where you reside in.
✔️ One of them is the degree certificate, you need to send your degree certificate to the university that you have studied from and they will attest it from their side.
✔️ Without your degree certificate, you cannot get a job in UAE. So if you want to get it attested, you need to contact the local embassy so that they can give you the documents to be attested.
✔️ You will also need to visit the embassy in your hometown to get it attested there.

A document could be attested by At Least Two Attesting Officers i.e. The Attestation Officer and The Attesting Officer. If you have a notarised document from your country, which needs attestation in UAE, you need to do the following:

✔️ You or your agent will have to sign a declaration that the document is true and correct on a completed copy of the ITC (attestation) form; the letter head of the Attesting Officer should be included.
✔️ The attestation officer should sign the original ITC and then stamp the UAE Federal Seal over the signature.
✔️ It is important that before sending the document to the local authorities, the document should be carefully checked to ensure that all the information on the document is correct.

Types of documents required for Document attestation services:

Personal Documents:

🔹 Birth certificate Attestation
🔹 Marriage Certificate Attestation
🔹 Divorce certificate Attestation and Etc

Educational Documents:

🔹 School Certificate Attestation
🔹 Degree Certificate Attestation
🔹 Diploma Certificate Attestation
🔹 Attestation of commercial documents
🔹 Company documents
🔹 Power of attorney

Purposes of having document attested in UAE:

✔️ Every time you travel to UAE, you need to present your personal documents to the UAE immigration in order to be cleared for entry
✔️ When the immigration officer inspects your documents, he is looking for reasons to deny you entry
✔️ Typical reasons are criminal record, health issues, or visa overstay. If you can demonstrate that you are a good person, with no reason to be denied entry, you will be allowed in.
✔️ Before you can be allowed in, you need to have your documents verified.
✔️ In the UAE, any document or letter needs to be attested before it can be considered valid. The purpose of attestation is to certify that the document is true and correct.
✔️ All documents or letters issued in UAE must be attested by the Ministry. Documents for attestation include academic documents, birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates etc. The attestation of certificates is done by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
✔️ If a document is to be used in a foreign country, then it has to be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MOFA) is the authority that issues attestation letters.

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